The Dilworth Trust Board encourages participation and inputs from former students, especially who were abused, to collaborate on an acknowledgement and apology for the full Dilworth community that is an honest expression of remorse and regret. Read more here.

Theme Three: Assisting Recovery from Historical Abuse

A full description of the Board's response to the Theme Three recommendations, including work undertaken by Dilworth prior to the Inquiry recommendations being published, is available here.

Recommendation 3: Collaborate with survivors

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board consults widely and collaborates with abused former students and families and whānau of deceased former students who were or are suspected of having been abused, and works with them to identify what steps are needed to supplement the current redress programme and to help them and the wider Dilworth community to heal and move forward."


Recommendation 4: Heal rifts within the former students’ community

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board works to improve its relationship with all former students of the school."


Action Points


Establish an environment for listening to former students who were abused about how they wish to engage with Dilworth.

In progress

Engage with community of former students as to how they would like to work to heal rifts that have occurred.

In progress

Provide additional support pathways for former students who were abused that are complementary to the Redress Programme.

Completed / ongoing

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Snapshot of progress against Theme Three action points (listed left):

In progress

To be done

In progress

Completed / ongoing


Updated 20/07/2024