The government has made a formal public apology to those who were abused in state care, following publication of the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry’s final report. The programme and apologies from various government officials can be viewed here.

Theme Six: Improving School Systems

A full description of the Board's response to the Theme Six recommendations, including work undertaken by Dilworth prior to the Inquiry recommendations being published, is available here.

Recommendation 12: Develop a policy document registry

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board develops a central registry of all policy documents by category."


Recommendation 13: Maintain complete student file records and retain them indefinitely

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board ensures school records of students, in addition to academic, cultural and sporting achievements, include all relevant aspects of a student’s life at the school, such as those relating to student health and welfare, activities, complaints, discipline and behavioural concerns, in both boarding houses and day school."


Recommendation 14: Retain and archive staff disciplinary files relating to sexual abuse and serious physical abuse indefinitely

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board includes all investigation materials relating to staff disciplinary matters on staff files with a reference, where relevant, to the existence of this file on the student’s file, and retained there securely indefinitely."


Action Points


Audit all Dilworth policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date.

Completed / ongoing

Investigate the most suitable technology and processes for a central policies registry.


Following the digitisation of all student files, consider how to future proof and maintain all School records including School archives in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Completed / ongoing

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Snapshot of progress against Theme Six action points (listed left):

Completed / ongoing

To be done

In progress

Completed / ongoing


Updated 20/07/2024