Theme Four: Maintaining and Enhancing Student Safety

A full description of the Board's response to the Theme Four recommendations, including work undertaken by Dilworth prior to the Inquiry recommendations being published, is available here.

Recommendation 5: Undertake continuing reviews of child protection and complaints policies and practices

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board, on an ongoing basis, maintains and continues to review and implement the suite of child protection and complaints policies in place to ensure their maximum effectiveness."


Recommendation 6: Update the Protected Disclosure/Whistleblower Policy

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board updates the Protected Disclosure/Whistleblower Policy."


Recommendation 7: Supplement the student safety programme reviews

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board supplements the student safety programme’s three-yearly review with a parallel review of the school’s processes and procedures to ensure cultural safety and to reflect the needs of the school community, and that it engage an external provider with the appropriate cultural background and expertise to undertake the review."


Recommendation 8: Ensure a safeguarding leadership succession plan

"We recommend that the Dilworth Trust Board, in consultation with the headmaster and senior staff continue to ensure that a safeguarding leadership succession plan is in place to maintain the continuity of the school’s commitment to its child protective measures."


Recommendation 9: Continue to improve the relationship with parents

"We recommend that:The Dilworth Trust Board and school further develops its relationship with parents, guardians, and family and whānau of students by continuing to support the parent groups.The Dilworth Trust Board and school continues to ensure there is an effective parent contact system where parents and whānau are confident they are closely in touch with the school on all important matters affecting their children, such as medical and mental health matters as they arise, treatment options, homesickness, discipline, and student achievement and performance."


Recommendation 10: Whānau and senior student representation on the safeguarding committee

"We recommend that the Dilworth Board ensures parents, whānau and senior student representation on the school’s safeguarding committee."


Action Points


Implement continuous review cycle for all safeguarding and complaint policies.

Completed / ongoing

Ensure governance oversight of safeguarding through regular Board reporting against the 10 Child Wise safety standards.

Completed / ongoing

Update Protected Disclosure/Whistleblower policy.


Develop an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.


Increase diversity of teaching staff and introduce a cultural competency professional learning and development programme.

Completed / ongoing

Develop student cultural voice.

Completed / ongoing

Undertake a review of the School curriculum in consultation with the School community, giving consideration to cultural needs and aspirations.

Completed / ongoing

Develop safeguarding leadership succession plan.

In progress

Continue to support parent groups including Safeguarding Whānau Group, Pasifika Advisory Group, and Māori Whānau Group.

Completed / ongoing

Enhance formal and informal parent community access to Board and School management.

Completed / ongoing

Draw on parent voice to establish the merits of an anonymised external parent survey to complement existing anonymised internal feedback tool.


Consult parents, students and whānau on how the Safeguarding Committee can evolve and operate in the future.


Share the School’s learnings from its safeguarding journey with other schools and organisations.

Completed / ongoing

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Snapshot of progress against Theme Four action points (listed left):

85% In progress

To be done

In progress

Completed / ongoing


Updated 20/12/2023