On 1 March 2025 the Dilworth Trust Board will formally acknowledge and apologise to its community for the abuse that occurred at Dilworth School
Former students of Dilworth School who were abused during their time at the School may have been living with pain and trauma, some for many years.
This may have had a profound impact on their health and wellbeing, as well as their relationships with whānau and friends, who may have suffered as well.
The Independent Inquiry Report into abuse at Dilworth School, published in September 2023, shed light on events and behaviour that should never have occurred.
The Board’s response to abuse continues to evolve as it gains further insight into the nature and extent of abuse and the experiences of former students. While nothing can undo the past, the Board is committed to supporting the healing and restoration among all former students who were abused at Dilworth.
The following Programmes and Services are available for former Dilworth students:
The Listening Service continues to be available to any former student of Dilworth School in New Zealand or overseas.
Completely independent of Dilworth, the Listening Service is available to any former student who wants to access professional psychological therapy or support, fully funded by Dilworth.
If you know a former Dilworth student who you think might benefit from using this fully funded confidential service, please provide them with this email address and encourage them to get in touch:
The Dilworth Redress Programme, which provides for a full redress response including financial redress, is available to any former Dilworth student subjected to sexual or serious physical abuse committed by a Dilworth representative, or a person who had access to the former student through a Dilworth Representative. It is also available to any former student who was sexually abused by another student where a Dilworth representative failed to take reasonable steps to protect against the potential for that abuse, or where the sexual abuse was encouraged or permitted by a Dilworth representative. The estate of a deceased former student who was abused can also apply to the Redress Programme.
The following options are available for former students, their families/whānau and families of deceased former students who are not eligible for redress under the Terms of the Dilworth Redress Programme: To:
Email: [email protected].
Former students who were abused are encouraged to follow the work of the Royal Commission of Inquiry Into Abuse in Care in State and Faith based Institutions and consider making a claim under any resulting government scheme.
Men and Healing